“we can’t get rid of stress, but we can become friends with it”

Genna Bennett Soh


Hey I’m Genna, a multriprenuer with many hats! Through my personal journey with stress as an entrepreneur, my mission is to inspire busy people to get back into the driver’s seat and steer their lives to become the best version of themselves through discovering inner wellness and emotional regulation.

What I thought my purpose was?

​At first, I thought it was to be a great marketeer, entrepreneur, leader, boss. And yes, I believed I was good at wearing those hats, but deep down I just knew that it wasn’t my true calling. I slowly understood that PR was not for me.

How did I know? Because I started to get frustrated at what I was doing.  I noticed my anxiety increased, I felt agitated, irritated, and frustrated at everything and demotivation hit me hard. I spent more time learning about nutrition, well-being, and fitness (subtle clues which I picked up on later).

My marketing company at the time was going through a transition period, and a lot of obstacles and hardships were thrown into the mix. All of the pressure and stress from it wound me up hospitalized.

You must know I have never been hospitalized in my adult life. This was a MASSIVE wake-up call for me.

The voice in my head was going nuts:

“How the hell did I end up in a hospital bed?”
“Was I really that stressed, nooo that can’t be it!”

“Wait, but I had everything under control”

The crazy thing was that I didn’t even see it coming…the #burnout.

Pre-hospitalization, my immune system was deficient and my mind was on over-drive, and yet I didn't pick up on it, I wasn't paying attention to my body and the warning signs it was flashing.

I had really hit rock bottom. And yet, I was still putting on a brave face, pretending everything was fine when it really wasn't.

I didn't want to be perceived as vulnerable or that I wasn't strong, but weak. Sound familiar?

What did I learn?​

"Your mind might be able to fool you, but your body won't."
The stress presented itself in my body as shingles, and it was the greatest pain I’ve ever experienced.

With this very much-needed wake-up call, I decided to start a journey by looking within. By working on myself and my health and not permitting stress and anxiety to grip me. I learned to build boundaries, stand up for myself i was tired of being walked over and being “too nice”.

I made a decision. That I was only going to put my happiness and my health first going forward.

That's when I found and trained with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition to become a health coach.

Along the way i’ve deved deeper into different modalities such as breathwork, hypnotherapy, sound healing and joyful movement.

I can honestly say I'm living my true purpose and I'm so happy that I can share my journey with you. I can only hope to inspire you to make those changes for yourself. Don't leave it too late and end up with a big hospital bill as I did.


Certified Soma® Breathwork Instructor

Alchemy Crystal Bowls, Space 2B, Yacep Yoga Alliance

Certified Hypnotherapist - Past Life Regression Academy, UK

Certified Breath Coach - Yoga Body, USA

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach - Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN), USA